Toby leading pitch 1 of Spiderman 5.7

There are two "monkey faces" in this photo... can ya spot em?

Katie cruising pitch 1 of Spiderman 5.7... Pitch two is looming in the background.

JB leading Cosmos 5.10a, in the afternoon light

JB Low on Cosmos 5.10a
Stick Clip!
Katie climbing Temptation 5.10a
Katie high on Temptation 5.10a
Toby loving life on 5 Gallon bucket 5.8
Super fun climb... Steep with HUGE holds.
Toby above the Crooked River in Smith Rock
Toby scoping Pack Animal Direct 5.10b

JB leading the beautiful Moonshine Dihedral 5.9

JB following the classic Karate Crack 5.10a
